
Ups, downs and round and rounds : 2024
Another annoyingly self important end of year list

2024. A mixed year of magic and melancholy, delight and disaster. I'll leave you to decide which is which.

* Marking 30 years of R*E*P*E*A*T's chaotic musical machinations with the two massive celebratory gigs in Cambridge and Swansea. So happy to catch up with so many people, some of whom have been on board for the full 30 years, some of whom have just climbed on. All equally welcome. But then realising the numbers of those now sadly missed.

The Saffs, Portland Arms, 27.7.24

* Tens of thousands rallying regularly against the slaughter in Gaza, despite almost all the mainstream press and politicians ignoring us, or labelling us 'hate marchers'.

* The super Swans; no sooner have they scored a last minute equaliser than they concede in injury time. Literally and metaphorically.

* Releasing two proper 12 inch splatter vinyl albums 'Leeks and Beets' and 'Lovely Ugly', both beautifully brilliant!

* Hearing R*E*P*E*A*T Records regularly on the radio - big thanks to Adam Walton for single handedly giving the Welsh independent music scene a massive leg up.

* 'Book Too', a retrospective A4 200 page full colour book into which (with help!) I've pritt-sticked and glitter glued ephemeral sweepings from R*E*P*E*A*T's metaphorical musical floor.

* This website - 3,617,209 hits from 454,647 visitors in 2024. Apparently.

* Enjoying learning and laughs with my brilliant, unique, funny, kind class of kids, while realising that for most of them, the future's not very bright, at least not until the world is turned back the right way up.

* R*E*P*E*A*T's very own Bad Shout being declared 'BBC Radio Wales Introducing Artist of the year' just as we released their new and even better than ever ep 'Volatile', quickly followed by the band announcing their own demise. It's been such a thrill! But what will I do to get that rush of excitement, joy and chaos now?

* Watching Monet evolve into a funky fusion of magic, melody, mayhem and mess – their gigs are really something special to behold, and I am very excited to be releasing their ep in the new year.

* Stand Up to Racism's brilliant anti racist open air gatherings in Swansea and around the UK back in August which put the far right haters back in their boxes, but then back they come again. And again and again. And then Trump...

Swansea anti racists August 11 2024

*And now, more music -
- Baby Schillaci confirming their early promise with intense, brooding and eye glueing sets, reinforcing the power of their debut album,
- New bands with ideas and attitude from out west, especially Lacross Club, RedRedRed and Slak,
- The Manics and Suede in the soggy soaking splendour of Cardiff Castle,
- The Skids 45+ years on and still getting better and better,
- Kikker continuing to kick against the pricks and with new sounds on the way, “I want to go out Tory bashing, I want to fight a Fascist”,
- The Lovely Eggs playing on a big barge in Bristol,
- Helen Love's 'Stay With Me' promising incredible things to come from the new album, plus Double Diamond,
- Stickman bringing the house down every time they shake their disco punk glitter boaed hits and hips,
- Grey-FLX owning the stage and 1000+ fans as if they really were playing at home in front of the mirror rather than at the rather splendid Swansea Arena House Party,
- Rainyday Rainbow 'doin' it for the kids' at my school's Rock Show (my school),
- Pseudo Cool's righteous and rebellious pop punk turning heads and tapping toes wherever they go,
- Goldie Looking Chain at Sin City; who'd have thought it, but they're just as funky, funny and farcical as ever! And then a 9 year old in my class quoting them...
- Adwaith simply superb every time they play,
- Hearing Patrick Jones incendiary poetry; whether at one of Jose's incredible Chile solidarity nights or on the streets, his words always inspire action and resistance. I can barely believe that 34 years after I first wrote to him as a fan, I am to release his new album 'A Constellation of Sorrows' in 2025.

* The number of people we've lost this year, proper friends as well as musical and literary inspirations. As I hurtle towards 60 and my Welsh government bus pass (Swansea party booked for May 3rd), this should be less of a surprise, but the toll has been particularly painful and unfair recently. Thinking especially of Jordan Evans and Tim Evans, and amongst creative and musical motivators, Martin Phillipps of The Chills and Carl Bevan of 60 Ft Dolls. All leaving massive holes but also positive living legacies.

And on that joyous note...

I hope these little lists finds you all ready for another journey round and round the sun, ready to keep creating, keep fighting and to keep believing in 2025.

Rosey R*E*P*E*A*T, 1. 1. 25
