The DIY Pop Punk Rock Revolution Starts Here ...

Dear Cambridge La La La ...
A 4 track Compilation CD

Cosy Cosy
Edge of the World

The Furious Sleep

Bomb Factory
God Loves Us And He Hates You

Princess Drive
No Jail For Thought

We wanted to carve ourselves a piece of the action - hack off a huge, quivering bloody lump of it with a rusty blade and hold it aloft.
We wanted to climb on the rooftops of this freeze-dried, mummified city and scream out: "WE ARE ALIVE!"

We wanted people to hear these bands - these are fucking good bands. "Hey! Stop, listening to that shit on the radio and listen to this. These are songs by real people that are about something. LISTEN!"

We wanted to put on a fucking good night for people when the only alternative was a bit of stale old boogie-woogie with Jools Holland at the Corn Exchange. You can almost smell the stench of death wafting off his piano as he plays those ancient tunes AGAIN.

We wanted to out on an untouchable bill and have the place full of people, of life, of passion and fun and excitement and all those things you need ration coupons for these days.

And we wanted people to go away clutching a little bit of the night forever. That's why we did the CD. Then we thought other people might not have been there and we wanted them to have a little bit of the night too. Here it is - burned on to plastic with FUCKING LASERS.

We DID do it ourselves - you CAN do it yourselves. Play this CD and then go and do something great. Go kick back against the suffocating fear and paranoia; refuse to sleepwalk into a police state nightmare. March. Protest. Form a band. Put on a gig - we'll come. We love you remember?

Ranting Jack

Launch gig - November 11th - details here

Free copies of this CD will be given out with initial copies of R*E*P*E*A*T Issue 23

Burn Cambridge Burn about this rant on our message boards here