Bernie Or Bust
Phil Rose esq argues that the only way to be realistic is to demand the impossible...


Having trouble finding my way back into denial today and as such, here is a piece of polemic for one or maybe two people to read and then to disappear down the ever scrollable memory hole of your Facebook feed. Feel free to disagree and to say so, but if I can ask for a lack of facetious comments from the usual suspects that would be terrific, thanks. Oh, and yes, I know I am a hypocrite and only those living up a tree can have these opinions. Well, I AM living up a tree, at least for two days, so fuck you!

Here goes.

Because the environment is now the only thing that matters, getting money out of politics is now the only thing that matters.

Because getting money out of politics is now the only thing that matters, beating the system of the established order is now the only thing that matters.

Because beating the system of the established order is now the only thing that matters, getting Bernie Sanders elected is now the only thing that matters.

Because we have no more time.

We can't be 'reasonable' or 'moderate', as you define them, any longer. This is the last moment we have to keep the planet in a state habitable for my daughter and her daughter.

So don't tell me I need to be 'moderate' and 'reasonable' and pledge to support Clinton if she's the nominee.

It's too late for incremental change and a 'win-win win all 'round' and if we're going to have a corporatist in power supporting this destructive system maybe, (just maybe) one as filthy and unadorned in the outward show of reasonableness as Trump is, the only chance we have to finally convince the world the system is unsupportable. Clinton's tinkering at the edges of environmental change would not help. Driving towards the cliff at 40mph instead of 80mph, when we're this close to the cliff's edge, is no advantage.

So don't tell me to be 'realistic'. Such talk is just a way of arguing to maintain a status quo which will kill us all and such talk is unrealistic.

We are being more than reasonable in stopping at Sanders when the forces of destruction ranged against him and the system set up against him are so built as to make a Sanders presidency probably only 20% better than a Band Aid and what we should really be doing is storming the board rooms of the top one hundred companies and adorning the lamp posts with CEOs swinging gently in the breeze.

The time for that system is done and capitalism may have set up its own self defence system so well that it's too late anyway and there is no way back. Capitalism may outlive the species which created it.

Because the environment is now the only thing that matters, environmental fundamentalism is the only reasonable response and the only chance we have, and THAT is why it is Bernie or Bust and why that is more than reasonable and quite probably WAY less than is actually called for at this juncture.

Last chance, democracy and capitalism. Get it right this time or I, for one, am done with you.

Phil Rose Esq