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Horse Party - Admission

Eight years since they lasted wooed our ears, our favourite equine based Bury St Edmunds sweet/sour queasy, quiet and crackling quartet Horse Party are back with a new single 'Admission'. And it's a simmering, sizzling soulful number, which builds to a fine crescendo of noise and nuance, might and melody.

The guitars start restrained and atmospheric, underlining the sultry, understated vocals, preparing the ground for the gloriously restrained, reined in eruption of the climax. Lots to get under your skin and multiply. Here's hoping for more new foals in the Horse Party stable. “Like Stevie Nicks singing with PJ Harvey... dripping with attitude and menace” says Gigslutz, and they're not wrong.

Admission is out now; find it on your favourite streaming stealing station here, download from Bandcamp here, and give it a share.

Rosey R*E*P*E*A*T

Limited quantities of Horse Party CDs and vinyls from back in the day are on our Bandcamp here

Home Jane!